General Information

The international scientific refereed and peer-reviewed journal the Law and World is a stable open-access online and print platform for legal research. It has been published since 2015 and ensures the publication of works of high scientific value worldwide.

Law and the World is a periodical publication of the Law Institute of the European University. Articles are published on pressing issues in the field of law. We do not have a privileged area in law, all areas of law are equally important to us.

Scholars from all countries worldwide, who meet the requirements of the Law and the World, can publish in the journal.

Goals and Objectives

Our goal is to offer competitive papers to legal researchers from different countries, to create an international comparative discussion platform for different legal practitioners, and to present high-quality legal scientific papers and make them as accessible as possible to the world’s scientific society and any interested person.

The journal’s objectives are to establish a honorable place among highly-rated international scientific publications, be placed in authoritative international databases recognized by international scientific society, expand the international audience of readers and authors, and promote the journal.


Copyright is protected under the Creative Commons database license CC BY-SA 4.0. Readers are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, research and use the full text of the article without registration and prior permission from the publisher and/or author, within the limits of applicable law.

The author retains copyright for the paper and grants the journal the opportunity for initial publication. The article is also licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license permits further use with a reference to the author and original publisher.

Authors are allowed to reproduce their papers, but they must credit the journal as the source of the original publication.


The Law and World fully recognizes the policy of open access, on the grounds that the free access to research will contribute to the society in the issue of knowledge exchange more globally.

The journal offers readers free, rapid and constant access to papers worldwide while allowing authors to broadly disseminate their published articles and include them in internationally recognized scientific databases and digital repositories.

There are no access limitations imposed. Articles are available in PDF, HTML, and XML formats.

The journal is a party to the Budapest and Berlin Open Access Declarations.


Articles are published in English or English-Georgian languages. Each article is undergoing a linguistic check.

Publication Fees

All Article Publication Charges (APCs) are currently being paid for by Law Institute of the European University and no payment will be requested from the author.

This means that the journal covers all publication costs, including editorial processes, web hosting, indexing, marketing, archiving, technical and linguistic correction of the text, DOI registration and ensures that all of the content is fully open access.

Content Preservation

Law and World publications are deposited in the following digital archives, ensuring long-term digital preservation guarantee: CLOCKSS, Internet Archive, Portico.


The journal is published four times a year regularly in:

  • March (Spring edition);
  • June (Summer edition);
  • September (Autumn edition);
  • December (Winter edition).

The digital version is published on the official website on the last number of the publication month, and the printed version can be published later, but not more than ten days after the publication of the digital version.

Journal Logo

The journal has a unique logo design, registered in accordance with the edition of the Nice International Classification of Goods and Services.


The Law institute of the European University.

Other information

International Journal "Law and World" for Legal Studies


ISSN: 2346-7916 (print)

ISSN: 2587-5043 (online)

Cost of publication: free of charge