Author guidelines

All parts of the text structure below are mandatory, except for the appendix.

Title: precisely and briefly demonstrates the main problem of the article, creates an idea about the content of the article and ignites an interest towards the mentioned problem. The maximum number of words in the title is 20. Author’s comment on the title is indicated with asterisk, with an explanation at the end of the page.

Affiliation: Author’s name, surname, academic degree, academic position, work/study place, city, country.

Key words: Article is presented with minimum three and maximum seven key words, which describes as much as possible the affiliation of the article to the scientific discipline, and discussed main concepts. Abbreviations are not used, as well as general words and words encompassing several concepts. Based on the key word, a relevant article can be found.

Abstract: Abstract is placed before the main body of the text and describes the given issue. It sums up those main issues, that are described in the article by author. It narrates article’s content briefly and precisely, in a way that creates a possibility for a reader to understand a scientific problem without reading the publication. The aim of the abstract is to help reader to decide whether the given information is interesting for him/her, why he/she should read it and what questions are answered in the research. Abstract contains 150-250 words.

Introduction: in this part the actuality of the given issue, research topic, established aims, tasks and stages are emphasized. Structuring the problem and clearly establishing the issue are important.

Main part: in the main body of the text, the content of the issue is presented, where an important place is given to the description of the research and analysis of outcomes, the process of research itself and coherent analysis, according to which theoretical conclusions, interim results and overall outcomes are shown.

Main part of the text is divided into structures (chapter/subchapter, paragraph, etc.), which makes the article easier to understand.

Conclusion: it represents a continuation of the main body of the text. It briefly and shortly sums up the results of the research, describes the main idea, scientific novelty and its value, main findings and possible recommendations, creates interest and further perspective for continuing the research.

Footnote: It (referenced literature, comments, author’s explanations and remarks) must be placed in the text at the end of the pages (in the language of publication), and at the end of the text – in English, in a numbered manner. If the text is in English, footnote is created only at the end of the pages and placing them additionally at the end of the text is not required.

Literature referenced in footnote must be indicated in numbers, however author’s remarks and explanations – with asterisk, which is not numbered.

If in the same page of the article, one source is indicated consecutively, indication of the source secondly is not required and the word “ibid” must be written with relevant page number.

Footnote must be structured according to APA style, in the following manner:

More information on APA style available at:

Bibliography: It is presented in consolidated manner, numbered at the end of the text in the language of publication and in English. Bibliography offers the background of the idea and an additional reading material, encompasses not only the sources that are referred in the article, but also works of those authors, who are quoted, but used as a way to develop an opinion. It also encompasses descriptions, normative acts, court decisions, etc.

To non-English sources in the bibliography, that must be translated in English, publication language is indicated at the end, for ex. “in Georgian” or “in German.”

It is recommended to clearly distinguish in the bibliography the following: used normative materials, court decisions, scientific literature and other additional materials (for ex. dictionary, etc.).

Annex: It may be used in the text with relevant title and numbered (tables, graphics, small images, pictures, manuscripts, questionnaires, etc.). Using the annex is preferable only if it backs the opinion and a reader will receive detailed information on the matter, based on it, and at the same time the data must be given in such a large-scale that its indication in the text will make obstacles for reading.

When working on the article, you can use our Word Template.

Articles should not exceed 20 pages, including bibliography and footnotes.

A document that exceeds the established standard will be returned to the author for shortening.

The article must be provided in A4 format; font size – 12; font size in footnotes – 10, font – Sylfaen, whereas English, in – Arial/Times New Roman. Font in footnotes – same as the main text. Space between lines – 1.5; top and bottom margins – 2.5 cm, left and right – 2.5 cm.