Only users registered in the OJS system can submit an article to the journal Law and World.
To sign up and create a new user account in the system, please select Make a new submission or Register in the upper right corner of this page.
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Files should be submitted in Microsoft Word, Docx, or Doc format.
An author is permitted to submit only one article for a single issue of the journal.
All communication with the author (submitting the article, additional materials, review and other stages of the editorial process) is carried out in the OJS electronic system.
Once an article is received, the author can track its progress and communicate with the editors through the journal’s OJS management system.
If you are technically unable to register in the system or there is any delay, please write to us at the following e-mail:
When preparing your article, please refer to the author guidelines
The submitted paper must be the result of original research in the form of a primary publication, which has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication in the same or another language.
The author must provide the editorial board with a complete, technically and grammatically ordered text.
Compilation or texts containing revision, where the research and provisions for recommendations and conclusions done by the author cannot be identified, are inadmissible.
The consistency of the article, analysis of a problem, objectivity of citation, novelty and versatility of a referenced literature is important.
Avoid jargon and try to clearly convey what you want to say.
Keep abbreviations to a minimum; if you use them, spell them out entirely in the text the first time you use them.
Fragmentation of a research with the intention to increase the number of publications in one or more journals must be avoided.
The research must be conducted in good faith in accordance with the code of ethics of the Law and World.
Articles can be presented both individually and with co-authorship, but not more than 5 co-authors.
In the case of co-authorship, the contact person uploads the paper to the journal’s electronic system, with which the editorial office will communicate through the OJS management system, and it is mandatory to provide the editorial office with the contact information and affiliation of all co-authors.
All co-authors must confirm the co-authorship of the article via the e-mail of the journal. Otherwise, the request to publish the article will be rejected.
The author must be able to indicate which part of the work the co-author is responsible for.
In the case of co-author, fragmentation should be avoided, their studies should be combined in such a way that the integrity and uniform style of the article is not violated.
The author/authors may have an assistant who contributes in some way to the non-scientific part of the paper (technical support, data collection, writing assistant, language correction, revision, etc.). In such a case, he is not listed as an author but as a contributor.
If published, the article will be available for any of the reader and this does not require any additional written consent from the author.
Any changes after publication are not allowed, only technical inaccuracies can be corrected, based on the author’s note.