დანაშაულობა დადანაშაულობისკონტროლისაქართველოში



Determination of the problem of crime has the greatest criminological and legal importance. First of all, it must be determined what we are dealing with the phenomenon of crime and only after these we must discuss about the causing reasons of criminality and social control measures. We formulated the criminal notion of crime as a difficult socio-legal phenomenon, which will bring together the two main criteria – criminal offenses on the one hand, and on the other hand its particularly dangerous deviation, in Georgia as such are considered alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, suicide and gambling games. From these two criteria of criminality the equal importance should be given to both directions of control, because we are confident that it will be impossible to prevent crime without solving the problem of deviation.



როგორ უნდა ციტირება

დანაშაულობა დადანაშაულობისკონტროლისაქართველოში. (2016). სამართალი და მსოფლიო, 2(4), 212-215. https://lawandworld.ge/index.php/law/article/view/85