ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული კონვენციის გამოყენება საერთაშორისო კონფლიქტის დროს
International law is not a panacea, and it is not always capable of ensuring international peace, as a result of which there are multiple international conflicts coexisting in current geopolitics. Armed conflicts are the source of a bleak reality that primarily affects the population living in conflict zones. During the war, those peoples rights are frequently violated. It makes it necessary for international law to operate in a way that reduces the possibility of human rights violations. The implementation of one of the instruments of international law, the European Convention on Human Rights, during international armed conflicts is examined in the following article. The European Convention on Human Rights is particularly relevant today, because on its basis numerous states international legal responsibility has arisen before the European Court of Human Rights. For now, as far as such a large-scale armed conflict is in progress in Europe, the role of the European Convention on Human Rights is immeasurable when it comes to protecting human rights in Ukraine. Application of the convention in this and the other international armed conflicts, as well as the problems and challenges of application of the convention in those situations will be discussed in the following article.
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