მითები ასაკოვან ქალებზე და მსოფლიოს სტერეოტიპები
Government should start thinking about Gender-responsive Works Programs. In order not to turn gender responses into lawmakers-illusionists’ one big bluff and a cascade of tricks, it is necessary for the country to have a gender-aware economists to support the forming, implementation and monitoring of gender responsive economic policies. Lack of work in formal sector is the first motivator for women to go in informal sector and fi nd job with poor wage and without the necessary conditions for health security. As we see the role of women in society by aging is minimized to caregivers. Society sees the little girls, adolescent girls and women as reproductive line - contributors of life and not as individuals who are mothers, workers, educators, mentors, managers, politicians and active participants of society. What is aging? How elder women can fi nd new opportunities and how than can use new opportunities in creative ways if society is stereotyping them as burden to family, as caregivers and as not valuable asset to country? What are these aspects on which should be built new system for elder women to raise their potential contribution? Idealistic people create a real society based on the concept of love and peace.
როგორ უნდა ციტირება
მითები ასაკოვან ქალებზე და მსოფლიოს სტერეოტიპები. (2021). სამართალი და მსოფლიო, 7(17), 56-68. https://doi.org/10.36475/7.2.5
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