ოჯახში ძალადობის საქმეთა განხილვის თავისებურება სასამართლოში



Domestic violence is urgent topic both theoretically and practically. The topic is especially relevant to Georgia since at this stage the current Criminal Law being elaborated to fight domestic violence. The role of court and approach to domestic violence category cases is vital to carry out efficient measures against domestic violence, understand the essence of the violence problem, its social threat as well as measures to be used against it and application of preventive mechanisms, since hearing of domestic violence cases have some peculiarities and specific features. The specifics of the domestic violence offence is the difficulty of revealing it as well as effective and lawful selection of coercive measures to be used against it. Thus, we believe, that introduction of additional mechanism along with legal and practical experience is necessary to fight domestic violence. Since the court practice shows that features and characteristics of domestic violence determines its specificity and complexity of its hearing at the court, which may cause difficulties to convict an offender – person committing violence.



როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ოჯახში ძალადობის საქმეთა განხილვის თავისებურება სასამართლოში. (2018). სამართალი და მსოფლიო, 4(10), 173-179. https://lawandworld.ge/index.php/law/article/view/153
Creative Commons License

ეს ნამუშევარი ლიცენზირებულია Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 საერთაშორისო ლიცენზიით .

როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ოჯახში ძალადობის საქმეთა განხილვის თავისებურება სასამართლოში. (2018). სამართალი და მსოფლიო, 4(10), 173-179. https://lawandworld.ge/index.php/law/article/view/153
