ხელშეკრულებაზე უარის თქმისა და შესრულებაზე უარის თქმის უფლებების, როგორც ხელშეკრულების სტანდარტული პირობების ბათილად ცნობა
Annulment of the standard conditions of agreement such as a right to terminate agreement and abnegation of its execution is one of the actual problems for issuance of legal result considered by standard agreement.
For the resolution of the issue, it is important to evaluate the infl uence of Article 347-348 of Georgian Civil Code on the interdependence of standard or individually agreed conditions. One of the main identification factor for annulment of the respective clause is related to an issue of which resolution has to be considered for the solution of disputed condition.
It is reasonable to use international unifi ed regulations and principles on the base of proper analysis in order to study and reveal the gaps of existing law and to conduct them in practice. Such approach has to provide step forward to keep the legal balance of litigants.
როგორ უნდა ციტირება
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