Progressive method of taxing personal income is one of the most effective ways of distributing financial resources among taxpayers. This article aims to emphesize the advantage of progressive taxati on compared to proportional method. Though, herewith we highlight the risks to be considered when aquiring the progressive taxati on method.
The essey suggests to discuss alternati ve principles to justi fy Personal Income Tax, which have been formulated recently and tend to aquire rising attention among analysts and tax law schollars. The essey aims to measure progressive method of personal income taxati on in legal perspecti ve, by setting aside economic factors. Doing so, we may doubt the essey will fail to reflect the objecti ve reality, still it off ers alternati ve legal point of view and strengthens groud for legal dispute within tax law as interdisciplinary
Facts and reasoning lead to following statements: Taking into account the inequality measures in Georgia, given the GINI coeffi cient, resourse redistributi on is by all means the task of leading priority, to achieve diminishing social inequality and to guarantee equal opportuniti es for self-realizati on and promoti on of democracy, etc. It is important to comprehand that the choice preferring progressive taxati on is neccessary and effective in the very circumstances we live through. The fact that European Countries intensively discuss transiti on to fl at tax system does not neccessarily require us to follow without objecti ons. Though the tendenc implies that the inequality measures in European countries are already fi xed results achieved among others with the very method of taxation in effect till now.