The present article deals with marriage, as one of the important institutions of family law. With the development of mankind marital relationships have also changed significantly. The article discusses legal nature of marriage and related legal regulations. The article discusses the legal nature of marriage and related regulated to it. Marriage has a centuries-old history and it takes its origin from the birth of mankind. Today the study of the institution of marriage is driven by the needs of society. This instutation can be considered as a livind organism, that requires development and growth. At various stages, the norms of family law have lost their force in modern times. An increase in the needs of society leads to a change in a legal relationship that directly regulates a person’s right to be a member of perfect society. Therefore, marriage is a complex phenomenon built on social relations, which includes legal stages; registration of marriage, rights and obligation of spousec during the marriage, divorce, it can be bodly said, that it is one of the inportant institutions of family law. In this article we try to present the importance of marriage registration and discuss the legal consequences associated with it. It’s fact, that the institution of family law is very broad. Currently our area of interest is legal registration, for which we will analyze the existing legal framework. We will review the court decision and share the practice of foreign countries on this issue.
How to Cite
LEGAL REGULATION OF MARRIAGE. (2022). Law and World, 8(22), 139-154.