The Impact of Criminal Policy on Juvenile Justice



The present article discusses the impact of criminal policy on juvenile justice. The current state of repressive and liberal criminal policy and its consequences in Georgia in 2004-2021 are analyzed. Explains what repressive and liberal criminal policy means and what positive and negative impact criminal policy can have on juvenile justice. The years 2004-2021 are conventionally divided into two parts: ● 2004-2012 – When a repressive criminal policy was announced in the country, which in itself fully reflected on juvenile justice; ● 2012-2021 – When, in conflict with the law, the policy of liberal criminal justice towards juveniles was unequivocally and clearly pursued. The article discusses the Juvenile Justice Code as one of the most prominent legislative acts of liberal politics. Also, the legislation of different countries (both Continental European Law and Anglo-American Law Countries) is presented and analyzed for the purposes of this article. The article also discusses the ruling of a number of European courts. Finally, the positive and negative consequences of pursuing a repressive/liberal criminal policy on juvenile justice are analyzed, and recommendations and remarks are issued, which will make the juvenile justice process more complete.



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