Review of the Saudi Anti-Sexual Harassment Law: Evolution and Challenges



Sexual harassment is one of the most debated issues in society. This is mainly because of its prevalence and effects both to the victims and other associated parties. It is a pervasive problem existing in almost every institution, organization and society. Despite its pervasiveness, it can also be elusive and in most cases go unnoticed with the victims suffering in silence. Considering its apparent yet complex nature, there has always been the consistent need to research and understand more about the subject of sexual harassment in an attempt to find effective strategies and solutions for its prevention. However, while it can be complicated and pervasive, sexual harassment is increasingly prevalent in the workplace. This may be due to several factors, including the complex nature that includes the different forms of it, such as verbal, non-verbal or physical sexual harassment nly 2% of roughly 80,000 persons charged with crimes in 2018 in federal court in the United States of America had their cases heard by juries of their peers. In those trials, 83% of defendants were convicted and 17% were acquitted. Approximately 90% of criminal cases are resolved by way of plea agreement and sentencing with only 8% dismissed.1 The percentages of jury trials and plea agreements are roughly the same at the state level. Civil cases are also tried by juries but are not the focus of this article.



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