Ethnic / Linguistic Minorities in Georgia and the Protection of their Linguistic Rights
While discussing the legal framework for the „linguistic rights” of ethnic/linguistic minorities, the Georgian authorities should first consider the position of the ‘fathers’ of the „European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages“ concerning the difference between the autochthonous (historical) and new minorities; However, full realization of the linguistic rights of the Georgian state language, autochthonous minorities or migrant minorities on the territory of Georgia is impossible until the complete de-occupation of Georgia. Academic, depoliticized descriptions and qualifications of the linguistic and ethnic situation of Georgia should be given essential importance in the process of Georgia’s integration with the civilized world. It is desirable to be timely balanced Russian imperial ideologies and qualifications in the field of Kartvelology at the international scientific or information field.
How to Cite
Ethnic / Linguistic Minorities in Georgia and the Protection of their Linguistic Rights. (2020). Law and World, 6(15), 97-114.