Institutions of court settlement and Judicial /court-annexed mediation as part of the unified system of justice
In Georgia, the existence and strengthening of two important legal institutions - court settlement and court mediation may provide opportunities, in order to ensure the common goal – the satisfaction of the interests of individuals, in the civil proceedings, much faster, and with less expanses, than it can be achieved in civil process. Consequently, in the court system, highlighting their importance, may excel the unified chain of justice and ensure trust towards the judiciary. In the paper, it is considered relevant, to describe the fact of settlement in the court with the term "court settlement" and not like "settlement", as the term “settlement” can also be considered to describe an agreement, reached by the parties, before the litigation process. At the same time, in order to ensure the institutionalization of mediation in Georgia, it is necessary to continue attempts, not only in the direction of improving the legislation, but also to introduce and implement new mediation programs. The implementation of the presented recommendations, as a result, may facilitate the introduction of legal institutions and the improvement of the unified chain of justice.